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In developing a response that could bring together the creative community, we built an impromptu email list of art organizers in the city to share ideas and support each other in this moment of crisis.

Join Now!

The Creative Response Network Google Group

We have turned the initial email thread into a simple google group email listserv, and we invite anyone who runs an art organization in New Orleans to join. Visit here to join the google group now (if the link doesn’t work email: or to be added to the list) After you join, you will be able to send to and receive emails from the group at . This is meant for us all to share information quickly, and also note all regular all-group and working group meetings are scheduled on this email!

Activity Kits Working Group

If you are an arts educator and would like to help support the development of Activity Kits, please join this google group! (email to request to join, if the link doesn’t work) After you join, you will be able to send to and receive emails from the group at

Working Document

Google Doc including Organizational Contacts, Resources, and Working Groups.

This is an open document created to share info, and anyone can add to it! Please feel free to populate what you are developing to support local creators, contact info of your org, and if you would like to organization a working group (use the tabs at the bottom of the page).

Lead Organizations

Funding Partners of Creative Response Collaborative Fund

Creative Response Working Group Coordinators and Network Members